Later trips Us At Hereafter ~ Dead is definitely something for every creature animate, that the promise of God. The life we live in this world is one of the entertainment and temporary shelter, because there are a series of long journey that we must travel after this life.
In Islam, we believe in the life after death. The meaning of life after death in Islam is not like that we live in this world, nor a reincarnation. But is life after death in Islam is a life that will be lived by the eternal hereafter.
Namun, sebelum menuju kehidupan kekal di akhirat sekarang ini kita hidup di dunia ini. Dan di dunia ini kita diperintahkan oleh Allah SWT untuk beribadah dan berbuat amal baik, karena hal itu akan bermanfaat di akhirat kelak.
Untuk itu, sebelum kita menuju akhirat sangat penting bagi kita untuk berlomba-lomba dalam kebaikan, baik dalam hal ibadah maupun yang lainnya. Selain itu, kita juga harus mentaati apa yang diperintahkan Allah dan Rasul-Nya serta menjauhi segala yang dilarang dan diharamkan-Nya. Karena hal itu dapat menyelamatkan kita di hari pembalasan kelak, karena setelah mati ada banyak tahapan dan perjalanan yang akan kita lalui dan tahap-tahap perjalanan manusia setelah mati akan dimulai dari tahap berikut ini.
Also Read;
1. Natural Bury
After death, the journey we are going through is a journey to the grave. The grave is the first stopover place will we singgahi after death.
This grave in nature, we as humans are able to know where we will stay in the Hereafter. Because in the grave disbelievers, hypocrites, and class believers who sin will get the punishment in it, this is where the punishment of the grave.
The believers who were tortured in the grave was because of the lack of their knowledge of Allah. They believe that God is their God, but they like to leave his command but instead run his ban.
We will be in the grave until we are resurrected at the resurrection.
2. Day of Resurrection
The resurrection will begin when the angel Israfil blowing trumpets signifying human resurrection from the dead on the orders and the permission of Allah.
At the time of resurrection from the dead, people come in droves to the image and the different state for awaiting a decision from the court of God.
At that time, we will be judged in court fairly as possible, because the slightest good or evil will get in return there.
3. Padang Mahsyar
Padang Mahsyar is a vast inland gathering place for the first creature, until the last creature alive. Mahsyar plains are in the afterlife, and is said to be sandy, look no high or low.
In this Mahsyar all of God's creatures that are in the seven heavens and the earth, including angels, jinn, humans, animals gathered and jostling. Every human being on the court will be present in mahsyar, accompanied by two angels, one as a retinue and the second as a witness over all his actions in the world.
4. Hisab
Yaumul reckoning or the day of reckoning charity is the day that God shows His servants about their charity. Allah the Exalted says:
"Surely to Us is their return, then indeed the obligation Us is menghisab them." [QS. Al-Ghashiyah verses 25-26]
Here is the most decisive stage of our destiny in the future, because if we show good deeds reckoning higher then we will be safe. But unlike the infidels and those many sins, they are doomed.
Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam pray in the prayer by saying:
Allohumma haasibni hisaaban yasiiro (O Allah, hisablah myself with an easy reckoning.)
Then 'Aisha radi' anha asked about what it was that easy reckoning? Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied: "God shows the book (slave) His then God forgive him just like that. Whoever is complicated reckoning, he would have perished." [Reported by Ahmad, VI / 48, 185, al-Hakim, I / 255, and Ibn Abi 'Asim in the Sunnah Kitaabus, no. 885. This hadith is rated shohih by al-Hakim and adh-Dhahabi]
5. Crossing the Bridge Sirath
All men will be crossing this bridge. Sirath bridge is the bridge that stretched over Hell, and this bridge is the only way to heaven.
People who have righteous deeds will easily pass this sirath bridge, but for those infidels, they will not be able to pass and they will fall into hell and they will abide therein.
Here, the determination ultimately, heaven or hell. Because if we can make it then we will live in paradise, full of enjoyment and dwell therein. And conversely, if we can not pass then we will be the dwellers of the Fire, Na'udzubillah.
However, there are opinions that say that all the people of believers will enter into heaven, but if they exist with sin then his sins will be melted first in hell before God put it into heaven.
Hopefully this can be food for thought for all of us. Aamiin.
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