Subhanallah, really we have been in violation of the Prophet Muhammad who has commanded us, without thinking about what we have done when something harder punished before Allaah on the Day of Judgment. Now many people keep dogs Prophet and no houses were no pictures, Subhanallah. Know, O man, indeed wear something with a picture of an animal, be it clothes, turbans, fabrics on display or otherwise is haraam.

In the Hadith, Abu Talha narrated, the Prophet SAW said: "Angels will not go into the house in which there is a dog and (or) images sculpture" (Bukhari and Muslim.
When Busr and Ubaidullah bin Sa'id Al-Khaulani being at home Maimunah, the prophet's wife, Zaid bin Khalid told both of them that abu Talha said to him, the Prophet SAW said, "Angels are not going to get into the house in which there are pictures."
Busr said, "One time, Zaid bin Khalid fell ill and then we see her, it turned out, in the house a lot of pictures. I also told Al-khaulani abaidullah, 'does not he ever told about the image problem.?' Ubaidullah said, 'Really, he said,' except for the images (hue) on clothes. ' Did not you ever heard of it.? I replied. 'Not yet.' He said, 'Yes, he has said it.' "(Bukhari and Muslim).
In the hadith, Aisha said, "Rasulullah SAW returned from traveling. At that time, I had made the barrier (satire) of cloth with a picture in my office. When the Prophet saw it, he cut it while saying, 'The real people who are hardest punished before Allaah on the day of Judgment is the people who make something that matched the creation of God. ' "
Aisha said, "Then I membutnya into a pillow or two pillows. '" (Bukhari and Muslim).
Aisha Mother of the Faithful illustrates that he had bought cushions with pictures. When the Prophet saw him, he was standing at the door and do not go into the house. Then I understood how much of his face seemed to lack's favorite.
I said, "O Messenger of Allah, I repent to Allah and His Apostle. Sin is what I do.?"
Prophet Muhammad said, "Why is this pillow is here?"
"I bought it for you," so Engkat can sit and lean on it, "I replied.
Prophet also said, "Those who make these images will be tormented on the Day of Judgement, and will say to them, 'revive what you've created.'"
He also said, "Indeed the house that contains the images will not be entered angel." (Bukhari and Muslim)
Subhan Allah, And Allaah knows best.
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