This time we discuss about how the heck do or sexual positions for married couples that is good and right about sexual contact (shag), the Prophet Muhammad gave instructions are perfect, grounded ethics and aesthetics Rabbaniyah (divinity). Make love not only to nourish the soul, but also gives the satisfaction and enjoyment of life. Pitutur Prophet Muhammad about having sex (intercourse) is the advice plenary, primarily in order to maintain physical health, mental, and spiritual, here realize the goal of intercourse itself. Among the purposes of sexual relations in Islam
Benediction BEFORE DOING intercourse:
It means: "to mention asthma Allah, keep ourselves from the devil, and the devil away from something that has you rizqikan to us. then if the intercourse was Allah mentaqdirkan be a child, then the devil will not be able to create danger. According to Imam ghozaly: in sunnahkan for people who want to engage in sexual intercourse read:
It means: "in the name of almighty Allah almighty anymore, ya Allah ... make my wife's mouth into their offspring were good, if you ensure that offspring out of the bone rusuku"
Penadzam Shaikh explained: If want to engage in sexual intercourse, should be preceded by joking with his wife, entirely mixed-mesra'an doing something are allowed, mitsalnya: picking or pulverize the nipple wife, embracing, hugging and kissing cheeks, forehead, neck , breast, stomach and all members of the wife's body, as long as not to kiss his eyes for a second kissing wife's eyes can cause separation, and not to do that in keada'an forget. Rosulalloh Saw, Said:
"Do not ever one of you engage in sexual intercourse with his wife, as well as that carried out by the cattle, you should use an intermediary. "In due to current prophet" what is meant by an intermediary that ??? Prophet, Reply: That Kiss and speaking in language that Wonderful-Wonderful "
We recommend that you perform with ngelus stroked the cheeks, breasts while seducing the wife with the words that are full of tenderness. Intermittent kissing and crushing nipples while stroking edging hand-ngelus wife's body areas that lainnya.begitu jg .faidah kiss should not be forgotten that such things do, that real women love to men, and men love the women, then do not until the husband had intercourse with his wife in keada'an forget with all the intermediary .with other words, do not let the husband had ejaculated before his wife ejakulasi.karena with it will lead to unrest in self wife, mitsalnya: to feel dissatisfied, after coitus wife angry at her husband. and not rarely encountered indecent thing against the husband, must remember the hadith description:
Allah Ta'ala, clicking anugrahkan to men 1 and 9 reasonable appetite while for women 1akal 9 lust .Therefore all goodness and truth there is in the hadith of the Prophet, in the sense that we must practice the particulars of the hadith of the Prophet.
Shaikh penadzam explains: bawha intercourse vicarious husband and wife without jest, each kiss, hug, hug with his wife or kissing both his wife's eyes, it could lead to discord and strife and lead to children who are born character stupid and obtuse brain (description in the book AN Nashihah). Described in the hadith, there is a great reward for those who with his wife in good faith, after the husband sniffing and playing in love with his wife.
Hadiths of Sayyida A'isha, Rosulallloh Saw, Said:
"Whoever holds the wife's hand as she seduce him, then Allah Ta'ala will write him 1 kindness and melt 1 ugliness and raised 1 degree, If embraced, then Allah Ta'ala will write him a 10 goodness melt 10 ugliness and raised 10 degrees, When kissed her, then Allah Ta'ala, will write him a 20 goodness, melt 20 ugliness and lift 20 degrees, If intercourse with her, then it is better than the world and its contents "
From another hadith Rosulalloh Saw, Said:
"When husbands stand to do junub bath after intercourse with his wife, it is not the water that flows in his limbs, except Allah Almighty will forgive all his sins, in other particulars, Allah Ta'ala will write to him 1 kindness of each strand of hair which affected or wetted water "
Penadzam Shaikh explained: That husband is expected to seek to his mouth into a delicious and fragrant, it was done in order to increase the love of his wife it was done not just when they were about intercourse alone but must forever every day.
And to his wife in sunnahkan to dress themselves and use fragrances just for him just because there is a hadith: Prophet, Said:
"Best woman is a woman who is always using perfumes and clean"
In another narration of Sayyidina Ali K.w, Prophet, Said:
"At best a woman is a woman who is fragrant and savory cooking"
Disunnahkan jg for women to wear Kohl in both eyes, and memacar hands and feet, because there is a hadith, the Prophet, Said:
"I hate when he saw the woman without wearing kohl or henna"
As for the men using either henna on the hands or legs convicted unclean.
Imam Malik R.a In Questions about women wearing gengge !!! He Answering: I'd prefer if it was left behind (not used) but he did not mengharamkannya.dan jg woman could fall if the law forbidden to wear gengge in-life to be exhibited and perdengarkan voice
Among adab-adab how to copulate in Islam are as follows:
Penadzam Shaikh explained: That most civilized intercourse, the husband should munyuruh his wife to take off all her clothes is better if a husband who undressed istrinya.kemudian husband and wife having sex in one blanket, however, does not mean that intercourse is done without closing it completely.
Because there is a hadith:
Rosulalloh, Saw Said:
"When you engage in sexual intercourse with his wife, then do not bare as bare Himar"
Prophet, himself when engaging in vaginal intercourse with his wife, he was hooded and maintain voice and said to his wife "do your quiet" so jg carried out by combustion ash shohabat who always mamakai headgear when intercourse with his wife the same embarrassment Allah.
Some scholars say: In sunnahkan folding clothes at night while reading Basmallah because otherwise there is the devil would wear it at night and the owner put on during hari.Rosulalloh Saw, Said:
"Fold your clothes, because the real demons do not want to wear clothes which in the fold"
Before the first overnight, heavily favored to beautify themselves each with ornate, wear fragrances, as well as bersiwak.
According to a hadith from Asma 'bint Yasid radhiyallaahu' anha he said, "I'm putting on Aisha to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi a'laihi. Once completed, I was calling the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. He also sits on the side of Aisha. Then given to him a glass of milk. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam drank the milk and handed it to Aisha. Aisha bowed his head in shame. Then immediately I told him to take the glass of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. "[Reported by Ahmad, sanad hadith is corroborated by Al-Allama Al-Muhadits Al-Albani in Adabul Zifaf].
As disunnahkannya bersiwak, because manners exemplified by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam that he always wanted to enter the bersiwak each every home as mentioned by radhiyallaahu Aisha' anha in Sahih Muslim. In addition it would be very good anyway if accompanied by beautifying bridal chamber so that it becomes perfected the causes that gave rise to the love and romantic atmosphere at the time.
Husband should put his hand on the crown of his wife as she pray for the good with the prayer that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam taught:
اللّهمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ خَيْرِهَا وَخَيْرِ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا عَلَيْهِ وَأَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهَا وَشَرِّ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا عَلَيْهِ
"O Allah, I beseech you of goodness (his wife) and the goodness of his character, and I seek refuge in You from the ugliness and ugliness temperament." [HR. Bukhari from his friend Abdullah bin Amr bin Al Ash radhiyallaahu 'anhu].
Disunnahkan for them to pray two cycles together. Shaykh Al-Albani in Adabuz Zifaf atsar mention two, one of which was narrated by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Al-musannaf Syaiban in from companions Abu Sa'id, bekat slave companion Abu Usaid, he relates that while still being a slave he never married. He invited some friends of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, including Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Abu Dharr and Hudhayfah.
Abu Sa'id said, "They led me, saying, 'If your wife get in to see you then Pray two cycles. Ask for the protection of Allah and seek refuge in Him from the evil wife. After that his business is up to you and your wife. "In the history of the other Atsar radhiyallaahu Abdullah bin Mas'ud 'anhu said, commanded isrtimu pray behind you."
When find a wife, a husband should behave politely to his wife by giving such a drink or other sebagimana in the above hadith, can also hand over her dowry. In addition should the husband to speak soft words that describe his happiness over this marriage. So goes the feelings of anxiety, fear, or a stranger who attacked her heart. With tenderness in word and deed will blossom familiarity da harmony between the two.
If a husband wants with his wife, he must not rush to the state of his wife completely ready, both physically and psychologically, that his wife had fully accepted the existence of the husband as part of her, not others. Similarly, when the husband has completed his business, do not also her rush to leave his wife until his intent is met. That is, a husband should pay attention to the situation, feelings, and desires of his wife. Happiness that he wanted to achieve, he seeks also be felt by his wife.
For husband and wife to be menjima'i only allowed when the wife is only allowed when the wife is not in a state of menstruation and at any place, which is pubic. As for the direction and the way up to her liking.
Allah says which means, "They ask thee concerning women. Say, "Menstruation is a poop." Therefore, let you away (not menjima'i) women at a time when menstruation, and do you approach (menjima'i) them, before they are holy. When they are holy, then campurilah they were in a place that God commanded you kepad (pubic only). For Allah loves those who purify themselves. Your wives are (as) the land where you grow crops, so go to the land where it's just how you want. And serve (good deeds) for yourselves, keep your duty to Allah, know that you are to meet Him. And give glad tidings to those who believe. "[Q.S. Al Baqarah: 222-223].
Remember, anathema through the rectum. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, which means, "He who with his wife when menstruating or through the anus, then he has Kufr with what was revealed to Muhammad." [HR. Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, and others, classed as saheeh by Shaykh Al Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawud]. The word 'Kufr' in this hadith shows what a great sin these people are doing. Although, according to the scholars, 'Kufr' referred to in this hadith is a minor kufr which has not issued the perpetrators of Islam.
We all know that the devil is always with, lurking for trying to plunge the Children of Adam in every circumstance. Similarly, when jima ', unless she always dhikr of Allah. So should pray before doing jima 'for this to be the cause of goodness and blessing. Benediction taught are:
بِسْمِ اللهِ اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَاا
"In the name of Allah. O Allah, keep us from syaithan syaithan and take away from what you bestowed to us. "[HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abdullah bin Abbas radhiyallaahu companions' anhu]. In the hadith mentioned that if God mengkaruniakan children, it will not be able memudharati syaithan the child. Al Qadhi explains the intention is not to be biased mearsukinya syaithan. As dinukilkan of Al Minhaj.
Permissible for husband and wife to each other see each other genitalia. Allowed anyway shared bathroom. From radhiyallaahu Aisha 'anha said, "I've shared bathroom Prophet in one vessel and we were both in a state junub." [HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim.]
Mandatory for husband and wife who have had intercourse for a bath when to offer prayers. Bath time allowed when bedtime or after sleep. However, if in the end a shower then disunnahkan first ablution before sleep. Based on the hadith of Abdullah bin Qais, he said, "I once asked Aisha, 'What did the Prophet when a state of impurity? Does she shower before bed or to sleep before taking a bath? 'Aisha replied,' All of it was never done the Prophet. Sometimes he first bath and then sleep and sometimes because he just ablution and then sleep. "[HR. In Al Musnad Ahmad]
Should not disseminate confidential bed. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, which means, "Verily among the worst of men equal before Allah on the Day of Resurrection is a man who came to his wife and his wife gave him satisfaction, then he spreads her secret." [HR. Muslim from Abu Sa'eed al Khudri companions radhiyallaahu 'anhu]
.Kesempurnaan Islamic law shows how much attention God towards His slaves exceed servant attention to itself. Therefore, let every servant remain above the aforementioned religious nature gods so that he has stood on the straight path, "(Stay on nature) that Allahtelah created man in the nature of it." [QS. Ar Rum: 30]. God knows best
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