Harmful Ingredients In Drug ~ Drugs is an abbreviation of narcotics and drugs / other hazardous materials. Another word of the drug is nafzah which stands for narcotics, psitroppika and adaktif substances.
According to the people - the health experts, the actual drugs or pain relievers called psitropika. But now a lot of abuse of drug use.
Currently the spread of drugs has been almost no bisah prevented, since almost the entire population of the world can easily drugs of persons - persons who are not responsible.
Early History of Drugs
Long before you were born, ie before entering century BC, people - people lpoppy Masopotamia cultivated plants which aims to reduce the pain and give effect comfortable.
This substance in greek called atabi opium poppy. Adalh subsequent deployment to India, China, and the area - other Asian regions.
In 1803 a German apoter Friendrier benama Wilhelim Sentuner succeeded in isolating the active ingredient that gives epek oplum narcotics and named Morpin.
Type - type Drugs
Based on the type, Nafzah be divided into three categories:
- Narcotics
- Pisitropika
- Hazardous Materials
Narcotics narkoun derived from the Greek meaning paralyzed or numb
According to the Act - legislation RI NO. 22/1997 drugs are substances or lobat derived from plant or not plant that causes loss of consciousness, subtract or to relieve pain and can lead to dependence and addiction.
Type - the type of Narcotics:
- Opiate or Opium (opium)
Opium is rough or raw opium obtained from the sap of the plant Papaver fruit samniterum inhaled / scratched and allow to dry. Opium is a narcotic class of natural is often used in a way smoked.
Effect of opium on the user usage is:
- Cause anxiety
- raises the spirit
- Make time was running slow
- Feeling dizzy, lost her balance, and drunkProblematic skin around the mouth and nose
- Morpin
Morpin an active substance obtained from opium through chemical processing. How to use injected into the body.
Morpin influence on the user usage is:
- Excessive Pleasure
- Feel nausea, vomiting, confusion
- cause perspiration
- Can cause fainting and heart poundingDry mouth and face changing color
- Demerol
Another name demerola is pethidna. Use can dielan or injected. Demerol is sold in pill form and ciran colorless.
- Heroin or Smack
These substances are more easily penetrate the brain so it is more powerful than morphine itself.
The characteristics of people who are using heroin are:
v pulse rate slows
v Blood pressure decreased
v -otot muscles become limp / relaxed
v Diapragma narrowed eyes
- Marijuana or Cannabis
Marijuana is a plant cannabis is usually cut, dried, cut into small - small and rolled into cigarettes called joints.
- Substances / Hazardous Materials
Adektif hazardous materials are substances that are not narcotic and psitropika or substances - a new human being processed cause addiction.
Type - the type of substance adaktif are as follows:
Substances / Hazardous Materials
Adektif hazardous materials are substances that are not narcotic and psitropika or substances - new manuasia processed products that cause addiction.
Type - the type of substance is sebgai adaktif follows:
1) Alcohol
Alcohol obtained from the fermentation / fermented honey, sugar, fruit juice, or tuber - root. Can be obtained from the fermentation of alcohol up to 15% but with the distillation process can produce a higher alcohol even reach 100%.
Effect of money generated alcohol:
- Disappearing feeling that inhibit or menghilangi
- Feel more rigid (no problem)
- Lots of laughs and unable to walk
2) Inhalasia or Solver
Use of anything toloen contained in the glue can damage the function of intelligence.
The effects:
- In the beginning was a little stimulating
- Breathing becomes slow and difficult
- Looks drunk and stagger
- Nausea, coughing and sneezing - sneezing
- Loss of appetite, hallucinations
Drug For Users
Drugs can also cause organs - organs, like the brain, heart, and lungs - lungs.
From the appearance of each user will always appear unhealthy and not good, for example:
- His appearance will look dirty or untidy.
- How inconsequential or incoherent speech
- Skinny and no appetite to eat.
Drugs can damage physical
- Brain Damage
- Damage to the heart
Heart damage caused by drug use methods not clean or sterile.
- Mental Can Ruin
- Mental impact of drugs is common sense mematrikan users. Especially those already in the stage of addiction.
- Drugs can be emotionally damaging.
- Emotions are very Jabil an addict and can change at any time
Drug Addiction Treatment and Healing
Detoxification Quick Oploid with Anesthesia (D.O.C.A)
D.O.C.A is how leading edge nerkoba effective detoxification and safe growing sauteni for early prevention drug dependency, drug issued in this way quickly as possible from the receptor the brain triggered by drug opponent for approximately 4 years.
Prayer house and the place of rehabilitation of drug dependence using different methods - different among them, Therapelitice Commonity, the method of approach that accompanies the ex-addicts so that the ex-addicts tell, ask, do not feel alone.
Community dukunga
In general, the former addict's feeling very sensitive feel alone when allowed then it is not likely they will fall back, then the ex-addicts should be given special attention and do not be ostracized or harassed.
Prevention Of Drug Use
- Get information about the dangers of drugs from newspapers, magazines, seminer and others - others.
- Mental preparation to refuse if offered.
- Learning to say NO if it was offered drugs.
- Have ideals - ideals in life, so life has direction.
- Do activities posotof who can help you to be more independent, confident, and hobbies are outstanding.
- Approaching closer to God and restore all the problems faced in the Lord.
- Moreover, for fear of a drug, the cognitive approach is required from parents, schools, and teachers.
- The cognitive approach is the approach to try to reduce the negative perceptions about themselves by changing the thinking errors and false beliefs.
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