It was narrated from Abu Darda ra., That he said, "When Muslims pray for his brother without his knowledge, then surely the angels assigned (to him) would say," that you will get a similar one. " (HR. Muslim)
Kita sebagai hamba Allah hanya bisa berdoa dan berusaha, sedangkan yang menentukan adalah Allah SWT. Allah SWT telah memerintahkan hamba-Nya untuk berdoa, sebagaimana Firman-Nya dalam Q.S Al-Mukmin :
“Dan Tuhanmu berfirman, ‘Berdoalah kepada-Ku, niscaya akan Kuperkenan kan bagimu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-Ku akan masuk neraka Jahannam dalam keadaan hina dina’”. (QS. Al-Mukmin 40: 60)
- Benediction People Who Persecuted
When the Prophet sent Mu'adh to Yemen, he said to him, "Fear ye toward prayer dizhalimi people, because there is no veil between do, a was with God" (HR. Bukhari)
- Benediction A Musafir
From Abu Hurairah ra., He said, the Prophet SAW said, "There are three prayers efficacious is no doubt, that the prayers of people who are persecuted, prayer wayfarer, and do, a parent to their children" (HR. Tirmidhi, etc. Rated hasan by al-Albani)
- Benediction Leader Fair
From Abu Hurairah ra., In marfu ', "There are three groups who do'anya not rejected, the fasting person to break the fast, prayer leader of a fair and prayers those who are persecuted. Allah will raise their prayer to the clouds, the sky opened doors for him, and said, 'For the sake of my glory, behold, I will help you even with lapse of time' "(HR. Tirmidhi, etc. Rated hasan by al Albani)
- Kids Prayer Salih
Mentioned in the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ra., "If a man dies, then his deeds terputuslah but three cases, namely jariyyah charity, beneficial knowledge and righteous children who pray for their parents" (HR. Muslim)
- Benediction People Who Was In Case of Emergency
Allah says: "Or who allow (prayer) who is in trouble when he prayed to Him, and removes distress and that makes you (mankind) as a vicegerent on earth? Is there any God besides Allah (the others)? Amat sedikitlah you remembrance (His) ". (QS. An-Naml 27: 62)
- Benediction People Who Sleep In state Holy and dhikr
Of Muadh ibn Jabal, from the Prophet, he said, "If a Muslim is to sleep in a state of dhikr and holy, then wake up at night, then pray to God asking for good of the world and the Hereafter, then surely Allah will give him ". (HR. Abu Dawud and Ahmad, declared Saheeh by al-Albani)
- Pray Using Dzun Nun Prayer (Prayer of Jonah peace be upon him)
Of Sa'ad bin Abi Waqash ra., He said, "Rasulullah SAW said, 'Benediction Dzun Nun (Jonah peace be upon him) when he was in the belly of the fish:' La ilaha illaa anta subhaanaka innii kuntu min az-zhaalimiin '. If a pray to him asking for something, Allah will grant it '"(HR. Tirmidhi etc., Declared authentic by al-Albani)
- Benediction People Who Built At Night With The ma'tsur Do'a
From Ubadah bin Saamit pleased., Of the prophet Muhammad, that he said, "Whoever is awake at night, then say: 'La ilaha illallaahu wahdahuu laa syariika lah, lahul mulku walahul hamdu, wahuwaa' alaa kulli syai'in qadiir , Alhamdulillaah, wasubhanallaah, wa laa ilaha illallaah, wallahu akbar, wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa billaah '(there is no god but Allah, no partner for Him. for him the whole kingdom and to Him is also all praise. he has power over all things. praise be to Allah, glory to God, there is no God selalin God, God is great. there is no power and strength except with Allah's help). Then say: 'Allahummaghfir lii' (O Allah, forgive me). Prayer or other, will undoubtedly be granted do'anya. If he wudoo 'and prayer, then diterimalah prayers "(HR. Bukhari, etc.)
- Benediction Children Who Devoted to his parents
From Abu Hurairah ra., He said, the Prophet SAW said, "Allah will raise the degree of a righteous servant in heaven, then he asked, 'Where do I obtain this degree?'. Allah Almighty says, 'With your son for forgiveness for you' "(HR. Ahmad, sanadnya olh declared Saheeh Ibn Kathir)
- Benediction People Who Hajj, Umrah And Warring On the Way of Allah
Based on the hadith narrated by Ibn Umar., Of the Prophet Muhammad, he said, "People who fight for Allah, the person performing the hajj, and those who perform Umrah are messengers that turn towards Allah. They are called by Him, and they fulfill His calling, and they asked Him, God will give him "(HR. Ibn Majah, declared hasan by al-Albani)
- Benediction People The Many dhikr of Allah SWT
From Abu Hurairah ra., Of the Prophet Muhammad, he said, "There are three groups who do'anya will not be denied, that is, those who a lot of dhikr to God, the downtrodden, and the rulers' (HR, al-Baihqi and ath-Thabrani, declared hasan by al-Albani)
- Benediction People Who Loved And blessed by Allah SWT
From Abu Hurairah ra., He said, the Prophet SAW said, "Allah Almighty says, 'Whoever hostile to my lover, then indeed I declare war on him. My servant will not be able to bring himself to Me with anything more I like than what I have enjoined him. My servant continues to bring him to me with the deeds nafil, so I love him. So if I have love, I will be his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he holds and his foot with which he walks. If he asks Me, surely I will give him. If he seek refuge in Me, I will surely protect him. I never hesitate in anything I do as my doubts to take life of a believer. That's because he does not like to die, whereas I do not like ugliness happened to him ' "(HR. Bukhari)
- People Who Reproduce Pray At The Field And Happy
From Abu Hurairah ra., That the Prophet SAW said. "Anyone who wants her prayers were answered when the sad and hard, then let multiply prayed at the field". (HR. Tirmidhi, and al-Hakim, classed as saheeh by Imam Dhahabi and in hasankan by Al-Albani).
Shaykh Al-Mubarak Furi said that the meaning of the above hadith is one should multiply prayer when healthy, adequacy and survived the ordeal, because the characteristics of a believer is always in the state before aiming his arrow. So it is good if a believer prays to God before coming disaster is different from the infidels and wrongdoers as Allah SWT.
"And when the man was overwritten harm, he pleads (for help) to his Lord to come back to Him; then when the Lord gives His favors him forget the one he would ever harm him praying (to Allah) to (eliminate) before it ". (QS. Az-Zumar: 8).
And the word of Allah SWT:
"And when the man struck the danger he prays to Us in a state of lying, sitting or standing, but once we get rid of that danger thereof, he (again) through (wandering path), as if he had never prayed to Us to (remove) hazards that have happened to him ". (QS. Yunus: 12
Prayer In Case of Forced.
Allah SWT says. "Or who allow (prayer) who is in trouble when he prayed to him, and which eliminates the trouble and that makes you (mankind) as a vicegerent on earth? Is no god besides Allah (the others)? Amat sedikitlah you menginga (His) ". (QS. An-Naml: 62)
Imam As-Syaukani saying that the above verses describe how humans really need God in all things especially people in urgent situations which have no power and effort. Some scholars argue that the definition of people forced the people who sinned and others argue that the definition of forced are the people who live in poverty, narrowness or sick, so should complain to God. And the letter lam in Al-Mudhthar sentences to explain the type not istighraq (overall). So there may be some people who pray in urgent situations was not granted because of the barrier that prevents terkabulnya the prayer. If there is no barrier, then Allah has guaranteed that the state was forced prayer is granted. Which is the reason that prayer is granted because the narrow circumstances may encourage someone to sincerely pray and ask for other than Him.
That collection of efficacious prayer times, prayer time is right to quickly answered.
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