بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله أحمده وأستعينه وأستغفره، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله.أما بعد:
Syaikhuna Yahya - may Allah keep Him- when asked whether disyari'atkan shower at the feast? Then
he replied: "Ibn Umar bath on the day of 'Eid and whoever bath, so he
does not d brake, while from the side in the sunnah right it then there
is no sunnah which are set from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) about
sunnah her right shower for 'Eid, this is what we know, "-ends-.
Why do not coincide the day of 'Eed by Friday, whether the person taking a shower for' Eid is sufficient and no longer need to shower for Friday?
So the answer is: It depends intentions, if he intend it to shower'Eed then he is obliged to shower again for Friday prayers, and this is for those who believe it is obligatory Friday prayers. As for the shower when he found Friday was only mustahab (Sunnah) then his case back to him, if you like the sunnah then he would take a bath but if he sometimes lazy to shower then he is not guilty, but he did not get the virtue of carrying out the sunnah shower Friday.
As if he has intended to take a shower bath with'Eed well as for showers Friday then she will be rewarded and rewarded for showers for Friday while bathing with the intention of 'Eid Sunnah then he is not included.
As for us, so we chose a mandatory opinion of showers Friday, and this is the opinion of Al-Imam Ibn Hazm and Ibn Mundhir clicking the saga is from the words of Abu Huroiroh, and Al-Khoththoby and other than right clicking this saga of Hasan Al-bashry and a history of Malik bin Anas. This is because the clear and strong arguments exist, the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
Why do not coincide the day of 'Eed by Friday, whether the person taking a shower for' Eid is sufficient and no longer need to shower for Friday?
So the answer is: It depends intentions, if he intend it to shower'Eed then he is obliged to shower again for Friday prayers, and this is for those who believe it is obligatory Friday prayers. As for the shower when he found Friday was only mustahab (Sunnah) then his case back to him, if you like the sunnah then he would take a bath but if he sometimes lazy to shower then he is not guilty, but he did not get the virtue of carrying out the sunnah shower Friday.
As if he has intended to take a shower bath with'Eed well as for showers Friday then she will be rewarded and rewarded for showers for Friday while bathing with the intention of 'Eid Sunnah then he is not included.
As for us, so we chose a mandatory opinion of showers Friday, and this is the opinion of Al-Imam Ibn Hazm and Ibn Mundhir clicking the saga is from the words of Abu Huroiroh, and Al-Khoththoby and other than right clicking this saga of Hasan Al-bashry and a history of Malik bin Anas. This is because the clear and strong arguments exist, the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
«غسل يوم الجمعة واجب على كل محتلم»
"Bath on Friday is obligatory for every already baligh (a wet dream for men)".
Narrated by Al-Imam Al-Bukhory and Muslim from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudry and this is lafadz Al-Imam Al-Bukhory. And from the hadeeth of Ibn Umar -semoga Abdulloh Allah bless worlds of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
"Bath on Friday is obligatory for every already baligh (a wet dream for men)".
Narrated by Al-Imam Al-Bukhory and Muslim from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudry and this is lafadz Al-Imam Al-Bukhory. And from the hadeeth of Ibn Umar -semoga Abdulloh Allah bless worlds of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
«إذا جاء أحدكم الجمعة, فليغتسل»
"If one of you come on Friday then he should bathe". Also in the history of Al-Bukhory and Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Huroiroh that when Uthman heard the call so he made haste to come to the mosque for Friday prayers, and he just performed the ablution (no shower) since late then Umar deny it by saying:
والوضوء أيضا, ألم تسمعوا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «إذا راح أحدكم إلى الجمعة فليغتسل»
"Wudu course, if you do not hear the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:" If one of you come on Friday then he should bathe ".
As for the opinion of jumhur (mostly clerics) about Sunnah showers Friday then they postulated by the hadith:
"If one of you come on Friday then he should bathe". Also in the history of Al-Bukhory and Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Huroiroh that when Uthman heard the call so he made haste to come to the mosque for Friday prayers, and he just performed the ablution (no shower) since late then Umar deny it by saying:
والوضوء أيضا, ألم تسمعوا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «إذا راح أحدكم إلى الجمعة فليغتسل»
"Wudu course, if you do not hear the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:" If one of you come on Friday then he should bathe ".
As for the opinion of jumhur (mostly clerics) about Sunnah showers Friday then they postulated by the hadith:
"Whoever bath on Friday, then he has taken the Sunnah (or relief) and this was the best of the Sunnah, in both ends meet her obligations, and whoever bath, the shower was more mainstream." Some of them argue that this hadith worthy hujjah, others declare this hadeeth hasan hadeeth because any reinforcement from others. However true this hadith is dhoif (weak) and can not be relied upon and hujjah, this hadith narrated by Ibn Majah and in the chain sanadnya there is a perowi that dhoif, he was Yazeed Ar-Roqasyi, and this hadith also came from other than Ibn Maajah Aisha and Samuroh bin Jundub with no extra lafadz "at both ends her duty".
Al-Imam Ibn Daqiqil'Eed - may Allah have mercy on Him- in "Ihkamul Ahkam" says: "And it is not corroborated sanad hadiths, and although distinguished from its Sanand shohih according to some scholars of hadith, and sometimes only the transfer of meaning also that such as the transfer of the meaning of the hated more distant, such as the transfer of meaning lafadz "obliged" to meaning "ta'kid (emphasis added)", while in addition to this hadith of the opposition mentioned to what we have mentioned of their arguments are required, it is not strong their arguments above are not mandatory (showers Friday), because of the strong arguments of the obligatory (showers Friday), and Malik had me-nash (bring proposition) is obligatory, "-ends-.
As for the possibility that if the bath on Friday they shall certainly would Umar Uthman ordered to return the shower but Umar allow it, then the answer is: In the hadith narrations stop that is no explanation thereafter; if Uthman continued Friday prayers or back bath Friday ?! And a habit Umar that he deny something when something is me the difference in the proposition. And if the only possibility then answered anyway: Possible Umar leave because of the limited time Friday, when Uthman ordered to shower so he did not have time to listen to the sermon or even late Friday prayers, (والله أعلم).
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