Kufr against husband's wife is not the attitude or lack of gratitude to the kindness (ihsan), which had been given to her husband. It includes a great sin, though this does not mean infidelity are issued wife of religion.
Rasulullah SAW said: "Showing me hell, it turns out that most residents are women, they are Kufr," then there is the question; "Are they kufr against Allah?" Answered by Prophet Muhammad; "They Kufr against husband and kufr against goodness (the husband), if doing good to one of them for a year and then he saw something (evil) from you then he will say: I have never seen a virtue any of you. "Hadith narrated by Bukhari.
Did you say the Eve when your husband:
I thank illegitimate daughter ..... ........... ......... dowry in cash paid ........ ". Short, dense and clear.
But tell us the meaning of "covenant or pledge" is? It expressly. But what is also implied?
Implied is: It means: "So I bear the sins she (the woman he made his wife) from her father and mother.
Dosa what he had done. From not close the genitals until he left prayers. All associated with him (which he made his female wife), I am responsible and no longer bear her parents.
And shall I bear all the sins of the candidate of my children ". Also be aware if I have failed and I get out of hand in the discharge of responsibilities, then I'm wicked, and I know that because eventually the Fire where wives and daughters who will pull me into the Hell Hell. and Angel Malik would bulldoze me to shatter my body is destroyed.
The marriage contract is not the only agreement I had with the wife and the mother / father and wife, but this is the agreement continues to GOD Almighty. "If I FAIL (the husband)?" So I was the husband of the wicked, broken and I'm willing to go to hell. I'm willing to torture me until destroyed my angels. "(HR. Muslim)
Duhai wives.! Once the severity of the sacrifice of your husband to you.
Because when Ijab spoken, His Throne shook with the severity of the agreement made by him in front of GOD, in the presence of angels and men.
So if only you suck blood and pus from the nose of your husband, then that too is not enough to make all the sacrifices husband to you.
Hopefully it's the experience that has been married and who has not. Subhan Allah.
burden is on the responsibility of the husband. Is not its responsibility to alleviate it means a wife must obey her husband, run a command GOD and avoid His prohibitions? Also educate our children later in order to understand religion and responsibility.
May we all become parents who can provide the best for our children in the future with faith and love so as to create a small family sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah.
Yaa Aamin Rabbal'alamin. Companions may we always within bestowed his protection of health, happiness, safety and convenience to always worship Him.
"Ya Allah, glorify companions Us, Give Us faithful partner, warahmah mawaddah realize harmonious family. Later, we insert the most beautiful in heaven." Aamiin Yes Robbal Alamin.
Please share with their families and our friends so that they know it, do not let those we love does not know anything and the wrath of God.
RasulAllah SAW said: "He who deliver 1
(A) science alone and there are people who practice it, then
although that conveys gone (died), he will still get the reward. "(HR. Al-Bukhari)
Subhan Allah
Hopefully we can pick up useful knowledge which is worth of worship through this paper and practice in daily life - today. Aamiin ...
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