Goods Credit Law According to Islamic teachings ~ Who has not ever buy goods on credit or installments? Actually how buying on credit law in Islam? Really crediting goods can also be equated with usury? Do not let us do not understand the laws of halal haram daily daritransaksi we did.
Loans are made directly between the owner of the goods to the buyer is a commercial transaction which is permissible in Shari'a. Even though credit purchase price higher than the price of the purchase price in cash. This is the opinion of the most powerful, elected by the majority of scholars. This legal conclusion based on some of the following proposition:
1. Word of Allah Ta'ala:
“>يَآأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا إِذَا تَدَايَنتُمْ بِدَيْنٍ إِلَى أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى فَاكْتُبُوهُ
"O ye who believe, if you do not bermuamalah in cash for the specified time, you should write it." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 282)
The above verse is the argument of bolehnya contract debts, while the credit agreement is a form of debt, so that the generality of the above verses can be allowed to base its credit agreement.
2. Hadis 'Aisha radi' anha,
He said,
"Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam buy most groceries from a Jew with the payment owed and he is also pawn shield him." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim 2096: 1603)
In this hadith Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam buy groceries with the owed payment system, is the essence of credit.
3. Hadith Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash Allaah 'anhu,
"Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered to prepare the troops, whereas we do not have a ride. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded Abdullah bin Amr bin' Ash to buy a mount with a delayed payment, until it comes time for the withdrawal of zakat. Then Abdullah bin Amer bin Ash buy each head of camel with two male camels price to be paid when the time has come for the withdrawal of charity. "(HR. Ahmad, Abu Dawud,).
This story indicates, may raise the price of goods paid for on credit, even though twice the normal price.
As for the hadith that says, "Those who make buying and selling twice in one transaction then he may only take the price of the lowest, if not, then he fell into usury." (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud, and classed as saheeh al-Albani )
This Hadith is authentic, but the exact interpretation is as described Ibnul Qayyim and others, that this tradition is a ban on buying and selling by means of 'inah.
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Signs of Credit
We have seen that the legal origin of goods credit is allowed, just that there are a number of conditions that must be met when making purchases goods on credit, namely:
- The price to be agreed at the beginning of the transaction even though repayment is done later. Misalny: house price 200 million if paid in cash and 350 million if paid within 5 years.
- It should not be applied if the interest calculation system of repayment has been delayed as often prevails.
- Payment of installments agreed by both parties and the payment due is limited, so avoid the practice bai` gharar (fraud).
- There are two contract in one transaction. In a hadith narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud and al-Bayhaqi mentioned, Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever sells the two transactions in one transaction, then the loss or usury to him." (Reported by at-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud and al Baihaqi)
A scholar who pondered, is a "two in one transaction contract", for example, someone says: "I'm selling this motorcycle, cash worth USD 13 million, USD 16 million loan," then they split from the panel of the purchase contract without agreement , cash or credit. Then the purchase contract is void is.
As for when the buyer determines the choice of two options offered, the purchase was legitimate and valid on the agreed price.
Al-Qaradawi in the halal haram books say that selling credit by raising the price allowed. There provisional opinion that if the seller was raising prices because of the tempo, as is now commonly done by traders who sell on credit, it is unlawful on the ground that the price of extra time and the problem since the same as usury.
But jumhur (majority) of the clergy allow buying and selling these credits, as originally allowed and texts that forbid it does not exist. Sale and purchase of credit can not be equated with usury of any aspect. Therefore, a trader may raise prices by a reasonable, as long as not up to the limit of injustice.
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